After a hectic afternoon my accomplice and I arrived at the High Dive late enough that the bar was already crowded but early enough to grab a drink (okay two) before the opening act. It took the crowd a bit to warm up to Waves of the Mind but after a day of grey and drizzle we'd have been frosty to anyone. I hadn't seen these cats before but their energy was great. "We may be opening but we're not an opening act." Thanks guys, I really do enjoy my rappers with a touch of braggadocio. One song that stood out was they said a remix of a Murder Dice beat. Shit was ill, I'll be looking for that later, believe. Also a big fuck you to dudes who not only plant themselves directly in front of short girls but have no regard for personal space and almost mangle your toes while doing so. Stay classy.
Next up was Tulsi who I actually have seen a handful of times. I'm a little ashamed to say this was the first time I walked away with a lasting impression. I really wish Crista could have been out with me, she loves a good nerdy white rapper. The beats were what really had me hooked and I was bummed at the dj-less set up for all the acts that night. He's got a June cd release at Chop Suey, hopefully I'll be in town for that. If you're catching the Bar Hunt tour this month get back at me, I'd love to hear what you all think of him. I'm looking at you Cali fam.
Let Go, Let Go, Let Go, Let Go! Sorry but it has been way too long since my schedule has linked up to let me catch a Let Go show and to say I was pumped is a gross understatement. There are groups that are just straight up a good time and the Let Go definitely near the top of that list for me. How can you not love a rapper who gets up on stage in footie pajamas and a ski mask with a mustache on it? I dare you to go to a Let Go show and not want to dance around like a fool and rap along, dare you. New material was played, record label announcements were made... Oh you didn't know your boys are messin' with Camobear? That's whats up Northwest. From what I've been told and what they played from the new album tonight... Oh man, look out kids we're in for a treat. Big time.
So the second the Let Go hopped off stage I bolted to the ladies room before the Louis Logic set where I waited listening to two girls slur about "some other dude, some rapper" who was playing next and whether they should stick around. If they didn't, they missed out. When I dashed back to my spot just in time to see Louis take the stage it was like stepping into the boys club. Those pesky Let Go fella's must be more handsome than I give them credit for. I'm sure we all know by now that Louis is AMAZING, if not ask Samiha sometime. He played some Spork Kills stuff which I was apparently way too excited for. Awkward. If you're shy but excitable, never be the only girl in the front row. Luckily for me it was about this point that the Birthday Girl made her appearance. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that she was feeling reeaal good on this her day of birth. She began by announcing her special day and then inviting herself up on stage for a few songs and then again later for two more songs at the end of the set. I've included pictures because words cannot describe this magnificent event. I apologize that they are blurry crap cellphone quality but its the best that I could do. But you know who can do better? Griff J that's who. So check out his flickr page for this and other hip hop moments captured on film. Meanwhile I am going to attempt to remember to scowl and mean mug the Let Go next time I see them for bringing Louis Logic out and not doing Party Crashers... if I'm not too busy grinning.
Next up was Tulsi who I actually have seen a handful of times. I'm a little ashamed to say this was the first time I walked away with a lasting impression. I really wish Crista could have been out with me, she loves a good nerdy white rapper. The beats were what really had me hooked and I was bummed at the dj-less set up for all the acts that night. He's got a June cd release at Chop Suey, hopefully I'll be in town for that. If you're catching the Bar Hunt tour this month get back at me, I'd love to hear what you all think of him. I'm looking at you Cali fam.
Let Go, Let Go, Let Go, Let Go! Sorry but it has been way too long since my schedule has linked up to let me catch a Let Go show and to say I was pumped is a gross understatement. There are groups that are just straight up a good time and the Let Go definitely near the top of that list for me. How can you not love a rapper who gets up on stage in footie pajamas and a ski mask with a mustache on it? I dare you to go to a Let Go show and not want to dance around like a fool and rap along, dare you. New material was played, record label announcements were made... Oh you didn't know your boys are messin' with Camobear? That's whats up Northwest. From what I've been told and what they played from the new album tonight... Oh man, look out kids we're in for a treat. Big time.
So the second the Let Go hopped off stage I bolted to the ladies room before the Louis Logic set where I waited listening to two girls slur about "some other dude, some rapper" who was playing next and whether they should stick around. If they didn't, they missed out. When I dashed back to my spot just in time to see Louis take the stage it was like stepping into the boys club. Those pesky Let Go fella's must be more handsome than I give them credit for. I'm sure we all know by now that Louis is AMAZING, if not ask Samiha sometime. He played some Spork Kills stuff which I was apparently way too excited for. Awkward. If you're shy but excitable, never be the only girl in the front row. Luckily for me it was about this point that the Birthday Girl made her appearance. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that she was feeling reeaal good on this her day of birth. She began by announcing her special day and then inviting herself up on stage for a few songs and then again later for two more songs at the end of the set. I've included pictures because words cannot describe this magnificent event. I apologize that they are blurry crap cellphone quality but its the best that I could do. But you know who can do better? Griff J that's who. So check out his flickr page for this and other hip hop moments captured on film. Meanwhile I am going to attempt to remember to scowl and mean mug the Let Go next time I see them for bringing Louis Logic out and not doing Party Crashers... if I'm not too busy grinning.
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