Thursday, August 20, 2009

Oh snap! The Lovefest family grows.

So we've kept this under our hats for a couple weeks but the more observant of you may have noticed a new name has appeared on our sidebar... Yes, we are PROUD, thrilled, over the bloody moon excited to welcome a new member to our little family. Izzie came into our lives around the same time we started Lovefest (fun fact: Lovefest was supposed to only be a working title.. oops!)and honestly if we'd met her six months earlier she definitely would have been on the original roster. I know we've neglected the East Coast a bit but with Izzie on board we should have the DC/Philly/Baltimore area covered. To help you get to know our newest member a little better I emailed her some questions to be answered in rhyme form. Check the video and welcome our newest correspondent, Izzie. We think you're really going to love her. Baltimore stand up! -Crista, Cody, Georgia, Jamee, Salina and Samiha

We also really think you should check out the
Teddy Faley mixtape Miss Izzie mentioned. :)